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Maybe I'll find religion
lying face down in the sand
Maybe I'll find jesus
playing lead guitar in a band
Maybe I'll sing for kings
and all the lords of the land
Maybe I'll end up doing the wrong thing
but doing it the best I can

I got pinned down staying
so now I am trying leaving
I can´t find no peace in this arena
Everybody saying
there´s ain´t no easy way in
so I am leaving the rains of Pasadena

Maybe I'll settle for less
destined for greater things
Maybe I'll laugh at someone's success
leaving a bitter sting
Maybe I'm running from you
the one I should be running to
Maybe I'm a one trick pony
and the trick was leaving you

You always have a choice
whatever you do with your life
just don´t become a dreamer
I can hear a strange little noise
maybe it is you, calling out
through the rains of Pasadena

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